Your clients are wondering what is happening during this shifting real estate market. Here are the strategies and tools you need to keep them informed!
Share current market shift information with your clients and sphere of influence online and in the field. Follow these steps to remain your client's #1 expert real estate resource!
Start your strategy by informing your entire mailing list about the current market shift through direct mail. This brand new collection shows you are their local expert and it encourages them to use their phone’s camera to scan the QR code and view a free home estimate. You will be notified about each new lead!
When you receive a notification someone has viewed their home estimate, follow up with this note card getting them ready to make a listing appointment with you!
Use our door hangers to meet everyone in your farm and keep growing your business. These door hangers position you as their local real estate expert and keep you top of mind when they are ready to sell.
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Be ready and engage with your clients on the phone and through email with our Market Shift current updates, quotes, and facts with your clients.
Use these free email and phone script templates to keep your clients informed about the shifting market and what it means for them.
Refresh your blog or newsletter today with this Market Shift article:
Market Shift news and current stats
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*Social Share limited time offer. The 14-day free trial is limited to one per customer.